„Why lizards buy more than monkeys”

Martin Šustek
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2017


What does this have to do with online marketing? Read more and you’ll find out.

What do you think would happen if your e-shop would be able to evaluate the state of your customers in real time and instead of generic notification:

Free shipping on orders above 50 euros

it would be able to tell them:

Add this product to your shopping cart and we’ll pay for your shipping?

Moreover, it would know exactly what’s in your customer’s shopping cart and that they are currently on the site of a product that, if added into the cart, would help them fulfill the conditions required to obtain a free shipping.

This would encourage more people to put the current product into their shopping carts.

How can we be so sure? Well, the answer lies in the psychology.

Each of us has two processing systems in our heads, and we constantly switch between them. They’ve evolved alongside humanity over a long time.

Older brain parts — the lizard brain — is in charge of most of the autonomous functions and while using it, we are mostly calm.

Younger brain parts — the monkey brain — is in charge of sophisticated tasks and while using it, we are almost always conscious, focused and we tend to overthink things.

By default, we use our lizard brain, but when faced with the necessity of choice, when answering, when making decisions or when we fall into the uncertainty, we switch to our monkey brain.

Gentlemen, the company MindWordx calls these brain parts System 1 and 2, or the pilot and the autopilot

Your goal should be to reduce the actions which force your customers to calculate, consider the options or in general — think too much.

Situations of uncertainty will be minimized if an individual has a functionally adequate mental map of the environment and knowledge of the appropriate responses that should be made to further important goals. — Psychological Entropy: A Framework for Understanding Uncertainty-Related Anxiety

Luckily, there is an option that can help you personalize generic offers from your e-shop and eliminate situations that force your customers to use their more sophisticated brain parts, reducing your risk of loosing the sale.

Regardless of how inteligent your e-shop is, with its personalisation from AdBOOST it’s only matter of deploying one Google Tag Manager script.

Afterwards, it can look like these:

A described scenario with shipping recalculation relative for the specific product (the shopping cart already contains 1 item):

A notification motivating the customer to become a member of the club not with a 10% discount under certain circumstances, but instead with a discount recalculated for the current product selected:

Not only a generic link to the category site with mens shirts, but instead a direct recommendation for a specific shirt that matches the currently viewed jacket:

If you’ve liked the article, stay tuned for more tips in our series — marketing is an applied psychology.

To avoid missing the next episode, follow our Facebook page — @adboostapp

Episode II

Episode III

If you want to make the decision making process easier for your customers and increase your revenue, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@adboost.sk and ask about AdBOOST personalisation.

